On the surface, this is a depiction of latter-day Heisei era Japanese youth in a nightclub in Tokyo. I titled the photo 'Hiroshima Boy' in reference to the boy in the center is from Hiroshima Prefecture. If you were to google the term 'Hiroshima Boy', images from World War Two and the dropping of the first atomic bomb are what will come up. Whilst acknowledging that history, I wanted to fuck with that algorithm by presenting a contemporary image of someone from Hiroshima and the way the city looks today.

Hiroshima Boy | Shibuya, Tokyo | 2015
広島の少年 | 東京都・渋谷 | 2015年
Hiroshima City / Hiroshima Pref. / 2015
広島市 / 広島市, 広島県 / 2015