Bathing Apes | Jigokudani, Nagano | 2015
Multicolored Youth | Shibuya, Tokyo | 2015
Years ago, I read an interview (link) that used 'a bathing ape' as a metaphor for a generation of apathetic youth, comfortably bathing in water lukewarm water. This concept played on my mind until I finally got to visit Jugokudani in Nagano Prefecture, the place where the wild monkeys have taken to bathing in the hot springs during the winter. At the entrance, a sign notified visitors that the water temperature is kept at a level comfortable for the monkeys. I was shocked. This is not a natural habitat. It turns out that after a few monkeys had entered hotel baths in the 1970s, this park was created as an attraction with the monkeys encouraged into this behavior.This then led me to question the metaphor itself, what behaviors are we trained into through social conditioning?
I contradict the idea of apathetic youth with an image of the exuberant Tokyo youth scene I have been part of and photographed for over a decade. There's a small window of freedom in the years between high school uniforms and acceptable workplace wear that allows freedom of expression and identity through fashion and hairstyles.
Alternate archive images of the same scenes.

Bathing Apes | Jigokudani, Nagano | 2015

Multicolored Youth | Shibuya, Tokyo | 2015

Multicolored Youth | Shibuya, Tokyo | 2015